Farm update!!
/So I'm not going to lie. I get super giddy when people tell me they read my blog. I love being able to share the "behinds the scenes" to my everyday life, which is going about 110 miles an hour right now! So much has happened in the past few weeks. As many of you know, I was hit by a drunk driver over Memorial Day weekend. After my car being in the shop for three weeks they finally decided to total it and the new car hunt began. Getting a new car was the LAST thing on our minds with the expenses of building a house. Brennan and I bit the bullet and went out over the July 4th weekend and got ourselves a Toyota Highlander. With two big dogs, hauling wedding stuff and living a mile down a gravel road we figured a small SUV would be the best fit for our lifestyle.
Speaking of the's coming together so freakin' fast! It's crazy that only a month ago nothing was there. Now we can actually walk through the main level and feel the size of the rooms. Two weeks ago they installed the foundation and started framing.The framing went up SOOOOOOOOOOO fast. It seriously seemed like I blinked and another room was completed. The pictures below are from just this past weekend.
Oh look, it's my new car in front of the garage!
Brennan was out at the property last night and low and behold we have a second level (and a lot of grass/hay that needs to be cut...)!!!!!
We also bought a tractor so we don't have to keep
stealing borrowing our neighbors. I'm pretty sure the day Brennan got it supersedes our wedding day (or at least to him it does!)
We love just driving out to the lot and hanging out with our neighbors. They are SO nice. They got chickens and guineas about two months ago and I love going over and playing with them. How cute are the babies?! We are planning to get some guineas when we move in to control the ticks and other bugs out there.
This weekend we get to go pick out our kitchen cabinets. We are also popping down to Madison to pick up fence post to start prepping for the horse and donkey! Yup, Brennan's one farm animal request is a miniature donkey. He's already named "said donkey" Carl. He's wanted one for a long as I can remember. Such a weirdo!
I'll be sure to do another blog post about the house later this month!
Till next time, happy planning! Cheers!!
PS- Sorry for the bad iPhone pictures!